First Lady drama sheds light on Roosevelt, Ford, Obama spouses


The First Lady presents three influential women, three acclaimed actors playing their roles, and a century of history that includes wars, presidential scandals, and America’s stubborn gender and race fault lines.

The ambitious Showtime drama series proved to be an irresistible challenge for Oscar-winning director Susan Beers. While its subjects — Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Ford and Michelle Obama — each have a “compelling and captivating” story, the sum is even more so, Beers said of her first biographical project.

Bayer said in an interview, “It was interesting to me that this wasn’t a biopic” by focusing on disparate experiences and first ladies of the era.

first lady, debuting Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT, stars Gillian Anderson as Eleanor Roosevelt, Michelle Pfeiffer as Betty Ford, and Viola Davis as Michelle Obama. Davis was an executive producer for the series, as were showrunners Kathy Shulman and Byers.

In its shorter iterations, the first ladies of the future are played by Eliza Scanlen (Roosevelt), Christine Froseth (Ford) and Jaime Lawson (Obama). Presidents – secondary to their wives in this statement – ​​were written by Kiefer Sutherland to Franklin D. Roosevelt is portrayed as; Aaron Eckhart as Gerald Ford; and OT Fagbenle as Barack Obama,

The series examines both personal and political chapters, but it is historical fiction and does not pretend to be a documentary, Schulman said. “We had to imagine what happened between the events and the things that have been written about,” he said during a panel discussion.

Beers stated that the role of First Lady does not exist in her native Denmark. While she was familiar with the women portrayed in the series, she gained new respect for them.

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“What was shocking to me was that he realized how to navigate within the White House without actually having a political situation, and turned out to be much more influential than one might have thought.” She did so while managing to land the expected role of America’s “beautiful looking, successful” first hostess.

Betty Ford was open about her boobs cancer “There was a time when it was so stigmatized and nobody talked about it,” Beers said. “She clearly saved a lot of lives” and changed attitudes in the US and other countries as well.

The First Lady sees the stories as tapestry, weaving together moments that sometimes show how similar the women’s experiences were, despite the decades that separated them.

All struggled to be taken seriously as First Lady after spending some part or more of her adult life supporting her husband’s ambitions. Ford and Obama have been portrayed as very reluctant to make the White House their temporary home – Ford because he had spent so long in the political trenches after giving up on his dreams, Obama because he had been elected as the first black president. She was afraid of her husband’s safety.

Despite the passing of decades, the walls bear striking similarities. “These three women got hitched,” Beers said. “Yes, our society has changed, history has changed. But it’s still very much the one man’s world we’re living in, which I find incredibly important to do a show in. ,

The parallels involving women are strictly thematic as their lives do not overlap in history or series. Bir, who came on board after the vision was determined, felt that the arc of the women’s personal stories was not fully developed into the script.

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With the three First Lady scenes to be shot independently, Byers suggested creating a “cohesive script for each”. Nevertheless, changes were made along the way, as Ford, then Obama, and Roosevelt were filmed one after the other.

“While we were shooting Betty, the script was being rewritten for Michelle Obama,” she said. “So there was never a ready roadmap for really intertwining the stories.”

This was accomplished during editing in London, said Bayer, who won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language in 2011 for Hoeven (“In a Better World”), received a Directing Emmy for 2016’s The Night Manager and whose Other credits include The Undoing and Birdbox.

A “master filmmaker” across various genres, said producer Shulman, the Showtime was true to the series, which “moves in and out of comedy, tragedy and everything in between”. “Plus, Susan is an actor’s director, and the level with which she portrays the character was instrumental in bringing the first ladies to life.”

The First Lady has been envisioned as an ongoing anthology series, with the new presidential spouses being part of future volumes. Possibilities that Schulman and Byers find interesting include Dolly Madison, Jacqueline Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

“I’m obsessed with Martha Washington at the moment,” Schulman said during the panel discussion, citing her intrigue with the origins of the role of the first lady. “But I’d also be very interested to see if we can find a way to do Jackie Kennedy that doesn’t tell the same old story. … Each of them is so interesting, and they get more interesting in combinations.” Huh.”

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