What kind of sms is coming from 17863 ?
‘Your OTP is 1234. This OTP is valid only for 3 minutes ‘ This type of sms is coming from 17863. Earlier, OTP used to come just after 12 o’clock at night, but nowadays it comes anytime in a day. Atleast 3-4 times this sms comes per day
Why this is happening ?
Generally when anyone clicks on ‘Forget Password’ option in any Website or App, then this kind of OTP comes in the registered mobile no. But in this case, the proper reason is unknown till now.
Where to complain regarding this matter ?
Unfortunately no authorised option is available to make complain regarding this matter. Even, it is a suggestion that do not share your personal information with any unauthorised website.
Click here to check how many complains are already submitted regarding this matter.
What is the solution ?
Block the no. 17863. Go to your phone’s Call Settings option and block this no. for Call and Message. But still you will receive sms from 17863 and this time sms will be stored at blocked messages box.
Call 1909 and register your complain. It may take 48 hours to solve your problem.
You may also contact your network service operator and tell them your problem.
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