Deductions in the new tax regime as per Union Budget 2023-24 with all-in-one automatic calculation income tax preparation software for Non-Government employees for F.Y.2023-24 and A.Y.2024-25

 Deductions in the new tax regime as per Union Budget 2023-24 | The Union Budget 2023 scrapped

 around 70 deductions in the new tax regime for individual taxpayers. Exclusions include deductions up

 to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80 C and benefits on health insurance premiums U/ Section 80D.

 However, some deductions are only available to taxpayers under the new tax regime. This article will

 help you understand some of the exemptions and deductions that are valid under the new tax regime.

What is the new tax regime for the financial year 2023-24 (A.Y 2024-25)?

The Union Government has introduced a new tax Scheme under Section 115BAC in the 2020 Budget with preferential tax slab rates.

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As per the  Budget 2023, the government has forecast  the following key changes for the financial year (F.Y) 2023-24:

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Rationalization of Income Tax Slabs

Income Tax Slabs           Tax Rates (in % p.a.)
Up to Rs. 3 lakhsNIL
Rs. 3 lakhs- Rs. 6 lakhs5%
Rs. 6 lakhs- Rs. 9 lakhs10%
Rs. 9 lakhs- Rs. 12 lakhs15%
Rs. 12 lakhs- Rs. 15 lakhs20%
Rs. 15 lakhs & Above30%
Education Cess4% p.a. of Taxable Income

Increased tax refund limits

Full tax refund on income up to Rs. 7 lakhs is provided under the new tax regime U/Section 87A of the Income Tax Act 1961.

Tax Rebate Limit Under Old Tax Regime for F.Y 2023-24      Tax Rebate Limit in New Tax Regime for F.Y 2023-24
Rs. 5 lakhsRs. 7 lakhs

You do not have to pay tax if you claim the standard deduction of Rs. 50,000 with a capital limit of Rs. 7.5 lakhs.

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Increase in Basic Tax Exemption Limit

The lower tax exemption limit of Rs. 2.5 lakhs as per the old tax regime increased to Rupees Three lakhs under the new tax regime.

Age CategoriesBasic Tax Exemption Limit u/ Old Tax Regime for F.Y 2023-24Basic Tax Exemption Limit u/ New Tax Regime for F.Y 2023-24
< 60 Years of AgeRs. 2.5 lakhsRs. 3 lakhs
60-80 Years of AgeRs. 3 lakhs
> Years of AgeRs. 5 lakhs

 The final exemption limit will apply from 1 April 2023 if a new tax regime is chosen.

Standard Tax Deductions

Salaried persons are eligible to claim the benefit of standard deductions of Rs. 50,000 under the new tax regime.

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Family pensioners can claim standard deductions of Rs. 15,000 under the new tax regime.

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Comparison of Deductions under the Old vs. New Regime. New regime for F.Y 2023-24

The following table shows a comparative analysis of the deductions available under the old and new tax regimes:

Available Exemptions/ Deductions  Old Tax RegimeNew Tax Regime
Standard Deductions of Rs. 50,000YESYES
Employment/ Professional Tax u/ Sec 10(5)YESNO
House Rent Allowance (HRA) u/ Sec 10(13A)YESNO
Exemptions for Free Food & Beverages through Vouchers/ Food CouponsYESNO
Deductions of Up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs U/ Chapter VIA towards investments like U/ Sec 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD, 80DD, 80DDB, 80E, 80EE, 80EEA, 80G, etc.YESNO
Deductions U/ Sec 80CCD(2) for Employer’s Contribution to Employee NPS AccountsYESYES
Deductions U/Sec 80CCD(1B) of Up to Rs. 50,000YESNO
Medical Insurance Premium U/Sec 80DYESNO
Interest on Home Loan for Self-Occupied/ Vacant PropertyYESNO

 Lower surcharge rates for people with higher incomes

People who earn Rs. 50 lakhs and above falls in the higher income category. The Government of India imposes a surcharge on high earners.

Income SlabsSurcharge Rates in Old Tax Regime    Surcharge Rates in New Tax Regime (in % p.a.)
Rs. 50 lakhsNILNIL
Rs. 50 lakhs- Rs. 1 crores10%10%
Rs. 1 crores- Rs. 2 crores15%15%
Rs. 2 crores- Rs. 5 crores25%25%
Rs. 5 crores & above37%25%

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 As per the Budget 2023, the new tax regime is the default Option

The new tax regime is the default option for an income tax deduction by the employer and the Income Tax Department.

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Definition of deductions and exemptions in the new tax Regime

Let’s understand the keywords from the list mentioned below:

Deductions in the New Tax Regime

It refers to expenses or investments made by the taxpayer that can be deducted from their gross income to arrive at gross income.

Deductions can help reduce personal or business taxes

Exemptions in the New Tax Regime

It refers to income or investments made by the taxpayer that are not included in the calculation of their taxable income.

There are no exemptions and deductions under the new tax Regime

In the following table, let us identify the main exemptions and deductions under the new tax regime that are not payable to individuals:

Not-claimable Tax Deductions and exemptions under the new tax Regime

Under Section 80TTA and Section 80TTB as Savings Bank Interest

Deductions u/ Section 80C, 80D, 80E, 80CCC, 80CCD, 80DD, 80DDB, 80EE, 80EEA, 80G, and so on. of Chapter VI-A of the IT Act

Professional lawyer

Entertainment allowance and wages

Housing Rent Assistance (HRA).

Travel Authorization (LTA).

The role of the assistant

Early Childhood Education Assistance

Income allowance for a minor

Interest on Home Loan Personal Property/Vacant

Other special duty U/ Section 10(14).

Employee contributions to the NPS account

Donations to Political Parties/Trusts 

Download Automated IncomeTax Preparation Excel-Based Software All in One for the Non-Government(Private) Employees for the Financial Year 2023-24 and Assessment Year 2024-25U/s 115BAC

Deductions in the new tax regime as per Union Budget 2023-24
Deductions in the new tax regime as per Union Budget 2023-24
Income Tax Form 16

Feature of this Excel Utility:-

1) This Excel Utility Prepare Your Income Tax as per your option U/s 115BAC perfectly.

2) This Excel Utility has all amended Income Tax Sections as per Budget 2023

3) Automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2023-24 (Updated Version)

4) Automated Calculation Income Tax House Rent Exemption U/s 10(13A)

5) Individual Salary Structure as per the Govt and Private Concern’s Salary Pattern

6) Individual Salary Sheet

7) Individual Tax Computed Sheet

8) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for the F.Y.2020-21

9) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2020-21

10) Automatic Convert the amount into the in-words without any Excel Formula

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