Boris Johnson’s future as UK PM hangs in the balance at partygate


Boris Johnson still faces an uncertain future as British prime minister, as a latest opinion poll on Sunday predicted spoilers for his Conservative Party in a by-election due later this month. Have an estimate.

More than 40 of his Tory MPs have publicly called for Johnson’s resignation as party leader in Downing Street over the scandal of parties breaking the COVID law under his premiership, an issue that draws sharp conclusions from leadership failures in an investigation. Since then it has been in the headlines. by top civil servant Sue Grey.

A poll of voters in Wakefield, who go to a by-election on June 23 to elect a new MP, shows the Tories could lose up to 20 points.

Polls by JL Partners for ‘The Sunday Times’ put the opposition Labor Party on 48 points compared to the Conservatives’ 28 points, a 19-point drop on the Tory’s winning performance two and a half years ago.

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Such a result is bound to intensify calls for Johnson’s resignation as Wakefield is part of the so-called “Red Wall” – a traditionally pro-Labour region in the north of England, the Midlands and Wales, which has extended its support under the Tories. Was replaced by Johnson in the December 2019 general election.

The by-election later this month follows the resignation of Pakistani-origin Tory MP Imran Ahmed Khan after his conviction in a sexual assault case. The by-elections in Tiverton and Honiton in southern England on the same day as Wakefield were are also being seen as a referendum on Johnson’s leadership.

According to ‘The Sunday Times’, Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the powerful committee of 1922 Tory backbenchers, would count the no-confidence letters submitted by email and WhatsApp When Parliament returns on Monday morning.

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Under Tory party rules, 54 letters are required to trigger a secret ballot and the whip and rebel lawmakers reportedly believe they are on the verge of that limit.

Johnson, who has been keen to move on from the Partygate scandal and has repeatedly tried to focus on other pressing government matters, such as the cost of living crisis, may have been shaken on Friday when he was booed with wife Carrie. as they arrived at St. Paul’s Cathedral for a Thanksgiving service to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The Sue Gray report, released after a Scotland Yard investigation into which Johnson and wife Carrie were fined for a lockdown-violating birthday party in Downing Street’s cabinet room in June 2020, bare illegal gatherings during government offices. and kept the behavior of suspicious employees. 2020-2021 Lockdown to control the spread of Coronavirus.

Johnson reiterated a previous apology in the House of Commons last month, saying he took full responsibility for what happened under his supervision and that steps had been taken to ensure mistakes were not repeated.

However, apart from the opposition parties, there has been a growing demand for their own MPs to resign since then.


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