Ashwath Damodaran: The Balancing Act: Ashwath Damodaran on why fear and greed must co-exist for markets to thrive

[ad_1] New Delhi: With inflation taking center stage, the first half of 2022 has been a brutal one for markets across geographies. Returns have retreated across all major asset classes. In 2022, as bond rates rise, stock prices plummet, and cryptocurrencies explode, even true believers are wondering where the market will bottom, and how big they will be. Will hit hit. While some experts believe that this could be a correction that has been long overdue, investors are puzzled as to what will happen next. Valuation Guru Ashwathi Damodaran Have…

Stock Market Portfolio: Fear of a fall in Nifty? Look beyond the 60/40 formula to protect a portfolio

[ad_1] with nifty With valuations now looking fair, down 15 per cent from their all-time high and many analysts say, investors are wondering whether they should increase their allocation to stocks and buy fear on Dalal Street. However, geopolitical tensions, fears of a global slowdown, hike in interest rates and rise in commodity prices could add to the pain for equity investors. So how should a risk-averse investor invest money at this stage? A survey of 11 brokerages by ETMarkets suggests that long-term investors can put up to 80 percent…

Stock market: The biggest fear of the stock market these days: Strong economic data

[ad_1] Suddenly, the market is back in “good-news-is-bad-news” mode. any positive readings on the economy, particularly on employment and inflationcan be interpreted as signs that federal Reserve Be aggressive with your rate hiking regime. Anthony Saglimbin, global market strategist Ameriprise Financial, join this week’s “What Goes Up” podcast to discuss your thoughts on that. Below are lightly edited and condensed highlights of the conversation. Click here to listen to the entire podcast, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. You say that good news is again bad news…