Sweeping terms in draft broadcast Bill raise red flags on free speech | India News

Expanding its remit from OTT content and digital news to include social media accounts and online video creators; defining a “digital news broadcaster” in sweeping terms; requiring prior registration with government to prescribing standards for content evaluation, the latest draft of the Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2024, raises several questions on the freedom of speech and expression and the government’s powers to regulate it. The Bill, which seeks to replace the 1995 Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, deals with television broadcasting. In November last year, the Ministry of Information and…

Who will win the battle to draft an Inflation Reduction Act?

[ad_1] President Biden and congressional Democrats won a major policy battle when Congress unanimously enacted the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) despite Republican opposition. But who will win the political battle? It will depend on who can best articulate this complex law. Will Democrats convince voters that the laws will reduce inflation, reduce health care costs, reduce the budget deficit, save the environment, and Raising taxes on large corporations? Or will Republicans convince voters that the new law is actually about funding IRS harassment of conscientious families? There is a kernel…

Partial notification of SEZs, single window clearance mechanism in the country’s draft

[ad_1] New Delhi: Draft law to amend special economic zone ,SEZ) The development of Enterprise and Service Hubs (DESH) has given a long-standing demand of the service industry to allow partial denotification to free up the sector that is not in demand. This It is also proposed to set up an integrated single window clearance mechanism for providing time bound approval including a single application form and return for setting up and operating these centres. Allowing partial notification of IT and service SEZs, it said that “the built up area…