The Finance Bill (No 2) for 2024-2025 was passed in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman defended the bill amid concerns about GST on health insurance. Rahul Gandhi called for declaring Wayanad landslides a national disaster, while tensions in the Rajya Sabha escalated over various issues, including Vinesh Phogat’s disqualification and criticisms of the budget’s impact on farmers and the middle class. Finance Bill (No 2) passed The Finance Bill (No 2) for FY 2024-2025 was passed in the Lok Sabha. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who…
Tag: disqualification
Election Commission begins hearing of mining lease case against Soren, BJP seeks disqualification of Jharkhand CM
[ad_1] legal advisor for BJP before the demand on Tuesday disqualification of election commission Chief Minister of Jharkhand Hemant Soren As a legislator in a mining lease case, claiming that he violated a provision of election law by extending himself a favor in respect of a government contract while in office. Former Chief Minister of Jharkhand Raghubar Das The BJP has accused Soren of “abusing his position” to get “in-principle approval” for a stone quarrying lease in his name in Ranchi district despite having a mining department, a clear case…