Income tax Section 80GG for House Rent Paid. With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.21-22

Income Tax Section 80GG

 For most employees, home rent allowance (HRA) as part of their salary income. However, some small and medium-sized companies can pay a single amount of money to employees without separation. For a hired employee, in order to claim deductions, HRA should be part of his salary income. However, the Income Tax Act 1961 provides for a deduction in respect of the rent paid to workers, even if the HRA is not part of their salary.

Therefore, Such workers may claim a deduction in respect of house rent paid under section 80GG of the Income-tax Act. The rules also apply to self-employed persons. In other words, Now we make out the limits and criteria under which one will be able to claim tax exemption under section 80GG.

To get these benefits as well as deduction U/s 80GG, you should not receive HRA in any part of your financial year. However, Arun Kumar, a Kolkata-based chartered accountant, said, “Taxpayers seeking exemption from HRA cannot claim a deduction for rent paid under section 80GG.”

For instance, A person seeking a deduction under section 80GG should not own a home in a residential town. In fact, there should be no house in the name of wife, minor child or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) in which the person is a member, in which the office is located or business is done.

So, if you have a family home in the town where you work, you cannot claim this discount.

Above all, The taxpayer must file a Form 10 BA; Only then can he claim this discount. It is a declaration made by the person that all the conditions of the department are met.

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Taxpayers who opt for the alternative, or the new tax system, cannot claim this discount.

This is how it is calculated

The deduction must be calculated based on a formula. The deduction under this provision will be less than three: a) rent more than 10% of total income, b) 25% of total income, c) maximum Rs 5,000 per month. Therefore, the maximum discount allowed per year is Rs 60,000.

Download Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Non-Government(Private) Employees for the Financial Year 2021-22 and Assessment Year 2022-23 U/s 115 BAC

Salary Structure

Feature of this Excel Utility:-

1) This Excel Utility Prepare Your Income Tax as per your option U/s 115BAC perfectly.

2) This Excel Utility has all amended Income Tax Section as per Budget 2021

3) Automated Income Tax Form 12 BA

4) Automated Calculation Income Tax House Rent Exemption U/s 10(13A)

5) Individual Salary Structure as per the Non-Govt(Private) Concern’s Salary Pattern

6) Individual Salary Sheet

7) Individual Tax Computed Sheet

8) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for the F.Y.2021-22

9) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22

10) Automatic Convert the amount into the in-words without any Excel Formula

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